Day 4. After sleeping a little but longer than usual we enjoyed a good breakfast and checked out of our hotel. We spent an hour talking to other German guest waiting for our shuttle bus to take us to the airport. Our flight was due to leave at 14.40 hrs.
Although this was a domestic airport it was very busy. We had experienced no problems previously of people standing in a line waiting but this time things were different. The lines seemed to be coming from all directions. It took us at least 1 ½ hours to check in and another 1 ½ hours to get to our departure lounge. Once on the plane everything was a piece of cake. The flight took approx. 2 ½ hours to Buenos Aires. When the plane flew over the city we were amazed at how big it looked and at first wondered if we would feel comfortable in such a large city – we did!
Once off the plane, I checked at two different points to find out how much we would be expected to pay for a taxi to our hotel. The cost was going to be approx. $20 in this rush hour. I was advised not to pay by the meter.
The first taxi driver we stopped did not want a flat rate, I knew why. I did not speak Spanish and he did not speak English but we did a deal of 200 pesos which is approx. $10 and he drove us to our hotel.
We had a very nice studio apartment, which was in the city centre and very clean.
On the way to the hotel we were amazed at all the trees in the city and especially the blue/lilac Jacarda trees. I knew we would like and enjoy this city. By the time we had reached our room we were now hungry, so we set off to find a local restaurant where we could enjoy a meal watching local activities. We found one very fast and enjoyed our meal and cool beer. The evening was very inviting so we went for a walk, without big cameras just a small pocket camera keeping to well lit streets for safety. There was a very harmonious atmosphere in the streets.
We had decided not to book breakfast in our hotel because I wanted to experience the Argentinian flair of Buenos Aires in a local café. We had a long day in front of us, we made our way back to our hotel enjoying the evening atmosphere as we did so.
Tag 4. – Peter Am nächsten Morgen wurden wir von einem Shuttle Bus zum Flughafen gebracht. Nach einer Wartezeit von über einer Stunde in einer Schlange, von gefühlten 100 Meter vor dem Einscheckschalter und weiteren ungeordneten Wartezeiten erreichten wir endlich unser Gate. Der Flug in einer neuen Boeing 737 verging wie im "Flug" den wir hatten in unserer Sitzreihe einen überaus netten Deutschen Herrn aus Berlin. Durch die angeregte Unterhaltung verging die Zeit sehr schnell.
In Buenos Aires erwischten wir ein Taxi welches gerade frei wurde, der Fahrpreis war schnell ausgehandelt und ab ging es zu unseren Hotel. Diesmal gönnten wir uns ein Abendessen in einem vom Hotel benachbarten Restaurant und gingen anschließend nach ein Spaziergang wie es sich für ein älteres Ehepaar gehört und um für den nächsten Tag in Buenos Aires gewappnet zu sein, schlafen.